Category | Einzelheiten |
Threat Actors | Trinity Ransomware (possibly linked to previous variants like Zeoticus, Venus, 2023Lock) |
Campaign Overview | Ransomware using double extortion tactic: encrypts files and exfiltrates sensitive data, demanding payment to prevent public exposure of data. |
Target Regions | USA (36.36%), Canada (18.18%), Spain (9.09%) |
Methodology | Phishing emails, malicious websites, exploitation of software vulnerabilities, lateral movement, data exfiltration, encryption using ChaCha20 algorithm, public leak site |
Product Targeted | Healthcare sector, technology sector, public sector (critical infrastructure and sensitive data) |
Malware Reference | Trinity Ransomware |
Tools Used | Phishing, lateral movement tools, ChaCha20 encryption, leak site, custom decryption platform |
Vulnerabilities Exploited | Phishing, software vulnerabilities |
TTPs | Double extortion (file encryption + data exfiltration), encryption using ChaCha20, network scanning, lateral movement, impersonating legitimate process tokens |
Attribution | Not explicitly stated but possibly linked to Russian-speaking threat actors due to geo-check exclusions in Zeoticus ransomware and targeting trends |
Recommendations | Security awareness training, backup strategies, endpoint protection, MFA, email filtering, strong passwords, segmented network, offline backups, prevent lateral movement |
Quelle | SOCRadar |
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