Earlier this month, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced the creation of their new quantum computing chips called “Willow“, which caused a few ripples in the Bitcoin investment community, but also caused some skepticism among Bitcoin skeptics due to the announcement. A viral tweet sent out by Geiger Capital declaring “Bitcoin is dead” as a joke sparked a flood of mockery from skeptics who jumped at the opportunity to disparage the cryptocurrency.
As the news cycle changes every few years, it happens every time there is news regarding quantum computing (QC) fear associated with Bitcoin. This may have been sparked by Google’s successive chip announcements.Among the world’s cryptocurrency communities, Google’s newest quantum chip, Willow, has stirred up quite a bit of discussion. It has raised concerns over the possibility that Willow could breach Bitcoin’s encryption, which is encrypted around the $2 trillion blockchain, which would allow any computer to perform a computation that would require a supercomputer billions of years to complete.
As a result of the announcement, Bitcoin’s price dipped briefly but quickly recovered back to its previous level. Those were the
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Is Bitcoin Vulnerable to Google’s Quantum Breakthrough?